© 2021 Erskine. All rights reserved.
Erskine Hospital Ltd, Incorporated in Scotland as a non-profit making company limited by guarantee No 174103. Scottish Charity No SC006609.
Entrants must be aged 18 or above -
terms and conditions apply.
Erskine Veterans Charity are licensed and regulated in Great Britain by The Gambling Commission under account number
The person(s) responsible for the promotion of this lottery are: Sara Kay Bannerman, Alison Morag Hannah and Colin Malcolm Macleod, Erskine Hospital, Bishopton, PA7 5PU.
This lottery is managed on behalf of Erskine by Sterling Management Centre Limited, licensed and regulated in Great Britain by The Gambling Commission under account number 3137.
A minimum of 50% of the total lottery proceeds go to supporting the work carried out by Erskine, 18.4% on prizes and 31.6% on expenses and administration of the lottery.